What kind of album is the wall

However, Wright had the last laugh as he did perform on The Wall tour as a salaried musician and made more money than the proper band members who had to subsidise the hefty production costs.

However, as it is a double album, the sales count as double and for that reason not only is it the biggest-selling album in the Pink Floyd catalogue, but also the third best selling album of all time in America. We also like to share breaking podcasts, behind-the-scenes looks, and all the music content that drives you. Jump in today! Sign in. Log into your account. Privacy Policy. Password recovery. Join the Community Shop About Contact.

Forgot your password? The leader of Pink Floyd began to write the basics of the album, dissecting his traumas and mixing them with the story of a rockstar disconnected from his audience, unable to communicate with the others. The story of The Wall spins around Pink , a rockstar who locks himself inside a mental wall that isolates and protects from the outside. His suffering arose from his lost father, dead during World War II , by an overprotective mother, by the extreme severity of the English school system and by the break up with his wife.

Most of these traumas can be traced back to Waters himself, who lost his father in , who had just divorced at that time and who never accepted the coercive methods of the British school; the figure of the mother recalls the story of Syd Barrett, who was always morbidly bound to his mother.

Meanwhile, forced by the label and their own financial problems, Pink Floyd are forced to return to the studio. Having no other material to add to the one presented by Waters, David Gilmour and Nick Mason agree to work on what will become The Wall. The other member of the group, Rick Wright, is isolated by Waters for his continued delays and an indolence that the leader will no longer tolerate, ending up even fired from the band.

Gilmour and Mason see incredulously those attitudes, accepting his decisions without oppositions and giving him, in fact, the complete control of Pink Floyd. Bob Ezrin will collaborate to the album recording as co-producer , helping Waters in writing the lyrics with no recognition after the release of The Wall and setting a little order in the broken relationships between the members of the band.

Having sold 1. Despite the success of The Wall , relations between the band members suffered during its creation. Problems arising from the lack of a production credit had led to a vastly decreased artistic contribution from the keyboard player. Wright was said to be unavailable for the original interviews, but after the feature was published he contacted Classic Rock to demand to have his say.

He admitted his disappointment at his dismissal, but concluded that as a hired hand he was, ironically, probably the only one of the Floyd to make any money from the Wall shows.

Even more surprising was the revelation from Waters that Gilmour also suggested the two of them get rid of drummer Nick Mason. The affair was given more credence, however, with Toto drummer Jeff Porcaro being brought in to play on Mother.


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