What was juliek last act in night
Amazingly, Juliek is worried about his violin, which he has managed to bring with him. Elie struggles in the darkness and succeeds in "digging a hole through the wall of dying people He tries to sleep, and is shocked when he hears "the sound of a violin, in the dark shed, where the dead are heaped on the living".
It is "a fragment from Beethoven's concerto Juliek plays. What happened to Mrs Schachter in night? On the third night, she begins to scream that she sees a fire in the darkness outside the car. What is Elie shocked to realize about the rabbi's son? When Eliezer realizes that the rabbi's son wanted to be free from a weak father who made his own survival more difficult, he prays to God, "My God, Lord of the Universe, give me strength never to do what Rabbi Eliahou's son has done.
What did prisoners do when they were freed? Once the liberation took place, all the prisoners wanted was to eat. Elie recounts the events that happened after they were freed. Our first act as free men was to throw ourselves onto the provisions. Later on Elie gets sick from something in the food.
What kept Elie from giving up and dying? The only thing that stops Elie from falling out of line and just letting himself die was the presence of his father. Zalman said to Elie that his stomach was about to burst.
Elie urged him to keep running in the march, but Zalman was in so much pain that he collapsed. What horrible realization did Elie? At least, that's what the rabbi reported. Eliezer's horrible realization, which he didn't share with the poor rabbi, is that he did see the rabbi's son in the crowd--and the son did notice that his father was falling behindand the son just let it happen.
How did Elie help his father during selection? How did Elie help his father when the selection was made? Elie's father is chosen in the selection. What happened to Elie's father as the selection was taking place? At the time, Eliezer and his father were held in the Buna concentration camp.
Fortunately, Eliezer's father made it through the second selection. Elie then loses consciousness, and when he awakens, he hears the sound of Juliek playing a fragment of Beethoven's concerto in the dark, crowded barrack. Elie is then overcome with sleep, and when he awakens the next day, he discovers that Juliek died during the night. Overall, Juliek's last act was to play Beethoven on his violin for the malnourished, exhausted Jewish prisoners before he passed away later that night.
Post a Comment. This is an enormous question that can't really be answered fully in this small space. But a few generalizations can be made.