When do peak hours start
If your business allows for it, set up a scheduled for employees to work from home when they want. This can help you use far less energy on a daily basis.
Even an individual employee working can contribute to a great deal in lighting, cooling and electricity use. Turn your thermostat up two degrees in the summer and down two degrees in the winter. Your employees and patrons will barely be able to notice the difference. Most importantly, make sure that no one in the office is able to manipulate these temperatures.
Employees messing with the thermostat can lead to a great deal in energy costs. There is no real way to prevent employees from using lights during peak energy times. Peak energy times and peak business times, are unfortunately often the same.
However, if you install motion sensors in your office that turn lights off when employees leave the room, you can save a great deal in energy costs. Something as simple as having the lights on in the bathroom all day during peak hours can cost your company a great deal of money.
Demand charges can make up a large portion of your business? Being conscious of these charges and making a concerted effort to lessen your energy use during this time can only help reduce your company? View Time-of-Day rates and time periods Are you an electric vehicle owner? Energy savings tips Shifting your appliance use to low-cost off-peak hours can help lower your electric bill. TOD savings tip Set the thermostat to 78 degrees or higher.
Get more savings tips. No-cost tips Start or program your dishwasher, washing machine or clothes dryer to run and finish before 5 p. Monday through Friday.
All hours on weekends and holidays are at the lowest off-peak rate. Wash full loads of laundry whenever possible and switch your temperature setting from hot to warm to cut energy use in half for a single load. Using the cold cycle can reduce energy use even more. Try to avoid using multiple appliances like your dishwasher, air conditioner and washer and dryer at the same time between 5 p.
Use small appliances to cook. Gaming systems are fun but also use a lot of energy. Large flat screen TVs and pool pumps also use significant amounts of energy. Since it's still daylight outside between 5 p. Will I know how much my appliances cost to operate per hour?
You can use our Time-of-Day Cost Estimator to calculate the estimated daily cost of household items. You can usually find the wattage on the side or bottom of appliances. Don't forget that some appliances, like water heaters, are controlled by a thermostat and cycle on and off during use.
Can I receive alerts about my energy usage when it is high? Yes, you can set up alerts to be notified when your usage is on track for a higher bill than expected at smud. Will SMUD turn off my air conditioner during summer peak hours? You will always have control over your air conditioner and all of your appliances.
What tools are available to help me manage my electricity use? Use our interactive My Energy Tools charts to learn about your yearly, daily, even hourly electricity use for the past 24 hours, or any hour, day or month for the past 24 months. You can also set an energy savings goal and track your progress. Log in any time and view your usage through smud. You can manage energy use in your home so major appliances that demand large amounts of electricity don't run at the same time during on-peak hours.
It's also the lowest of any SRP residential price plan. Energy is the amount of power you consume over time. Read more The total amount of energy you use over time is measured in kilowatt-hours kWh. Winter November through April Prices per kWh. There is a per-kilowatt demand charge, based on on-peak usage. Demand is the amount of power your home needs at any given point in time.